WBOC 2024: Competition Day #3

The third day of the competition began promisingly: clouds and quite a bit of wind, but no rain (yet). A few showers fell during the adjustment shooting, but then it became sunny and stayed dry for the rest of the day.

This allowed the relay competitions to start, 15 minutes earlier at the request of the Finnish team, in order to reach the return flight safely. And it was back to the challenging, wide and heavily overgrown terrain around the Ulfborg Skyttecenter. The wake-up cards for the second and third runners of the relay teams were tucked between long boards to protect them from the wind, so that everything remained in place until the changeover. Here too, Carsten Helligsø’s organizing team had ensured perfect preparation.
From the point of view of the participants from Germany, the mixed relay with Carsten Blume and Sebastian Fleiß achieved a super time of 1:06:42 hours.
Next year, the 20th WBOC will take place in Keuruu/Finland from August 21 to 24, 2025.
